  • 期刊


The Discourse Opportunity and interpretation of Zirandaoxing in Daodeyiyuan by Song Wenming in Southern Dynasties




The development context of "the Dao as spontaneity" (Dao De Jing), "DaoxingZiran" (the Ho-shang Kung Commentaries), "Ziran causation shuo" ( Lu Xiu Jing ) and "Zirandaoxing" (Song Wen Ming) had been a topic of concern for scholars.Looking back on the scholar's achievements. Based on the Song Wenming "Zirandaoxing" (Daodeyiyuan), this article put the development of Daoist literature into the development of Daoism. It didn't not discuss the opportunity for its establishment. perhaps, it can be assumed that "Daodeyiyuan" should have its specific discussion opportunity and originality. This article believes that it may be related to "Li Shenming Cheng Fo Yi Ji" (Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty), which would be proved by the following and discuss its creation: (1) The opportunity of discussing "Zirandaoxing", (2) Based on "Zirandaoxing" to explore the interpretation of "Dao Xing" by Song Wen Ming ; (3) Discuss the two meanings of the Dunhuang manuscript system "Daodeyiyuan" in the internal system of Daoism from the two perspectives of "quotation of internal Daoist literature" and "inheritance of styles and differences in discourse system".


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