  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Implementation of Remote Information Access Service Platform and Management Mechanisms to Medical Units and Enterprise


目前,許多家醫療機構與企業對資訊服務的要求愈來愈多,對資訊發展的前景也引發到圈內諸多醫療機構與企業參與。然而,在醫療機構與企業遠端存取(Remote Access)服務的應用,普遍僅收發電子郵件的一般功能為主,缺乏深度層次連結醫療機構與企業營運攸關系統,也鮮少可靠而完整的使用者身份安全認證機制。故引發本研究深入探討空間。本研究設計多層次、安全、完整的存取基礎架構平台,包括多重安全機制與使用者身份驗發:SSL、Firewall Access Control、安全閘道(Citrix Secure Gateway, CSG)、RSA Secur ID Authentication、Active Directory認證與群組管理、群組原則物件(Group Policy Object, GPO)等措施,確保資訊存取安全,已豎立做到安全驗證機制的目標。本文研究成果,除大幅提升工作效率與節省時間外,亦首創價值創新模式,並樹立醫療機構與企業遠端存取服務系統架構典範和業界學習標竿。整合資源與應用,跨越國際疆界與藩籬,提供整體持有成本,達到「天涯若比鄰」的效益,對於吉普求速度與成效的醫療機構與企業帶來顯著與重要的價值。


So far, there are more and more hospital medical units talking about medical information systems, all development of information for domestic hospital medical units have joined the researches now. However, remote access service to the hospital medical units is not successful, only e-mail is only the general function currently, the lack is of less-depth level and to operate for on-line real time linkages, even it connects a few reliable and competitive user security authenticate mechanism. The access infrastructure platforms has been setup, they includes user authentication such as SSL, Firewall Control, Citrix Security Gateway (CSG), RSA SecurID Authentication, Active Directory, Group Management and Group Policy Objects (GPO), all of these can ensure access to information security. This work can enhance the operational efficiency and save time. In this work, the leading value of innovative models, establishment of corporate remote access service system and the industry structure model for study the standard are provided. The integration of resources and applications across international borders and barriers are reached and provide the reduction of continuous cost ownership. We believe that this development of new model is acceptable to all other hospital medical units.
