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Organic Rice in Houbi Township of Tainan County Shih Hung Hsu, Hui Kuo Liu and Wan Yu Liu Liu, DX Liu, YZ Jiang, MY Jiang, QH Zheng, GC Luo (2007) The plant disease and pest

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Wan-Yu Lee Chin-Hsien Wang Cheng-Sheng Lin 以及其他 3 位作者

Dengue is one of the most important mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. Outbreaks exert a huge burden on populations, health systems and economies in most tropical countries. In 2015, Tainan city encountered the most severe indigenous dengue fever outbreak. The epidemic began on May 21 when the first case was confirmed. Facing many background challenges, all government units worked together to control the dengue epidemic which reached to the highest peak in the 37th week and ended on February 15, 2016. The dengue epidemic had lasted for 37 weeks and caused 22,765 cases. This article describes the magnitude of the epidemic of indigenous dengue fever started from the summer of 2015 in Tainan, the process of control strategies and experiences, including integration of resources, administrative block control, breeding sites cleaning and application of NS1 rapid test screening. As a reference, these experiences may provide excellent recommendations for the future.

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prevention under climate changeYung-Chih Chen1,2 Ching Chuang1 Wan-Yu Liu1*【Abstract】Most 的意識,對於森林的調適措施和政策都傾向支持的態度 (Liu et al. 2021)。因此建議

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 Correspondence: Wan-Yu Liu, Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University. Address: 145 University. Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Wan-Yu

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Chen行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心助理研究員柳婉郁 Wan-Yu Liu國立中興大學森林學系特 Chen行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心助理研究員柳婉郁 Wan-Yu Liu國立中興大學森林學系特

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Agriculture, Executive Yuan Wan-Yu Liu* Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University , Q28 * Correspondence: Wan-Yu Liu

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✽, Ching Chuang✽✽, Wan-Yu Liu✽✽✽ABSTRACTThe rapid changing of the environment and climate has Wan-Yu Liu, 2017, “A Study on Forest Dust-retention Value in Taiwan.” Quarterly Journal of