42 個查詢結果
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Implementation andEvaluation of Talent Management 蔡錫濤Tsai,Shir-Tau作者現為弘光科技大學人文社會學院院長郭維哲 Kuo, Wei -Che作者現為台灣師範大學國際人力資源發展研究所研究生人才管理的實施與衡量面對高度不確定性全球競爭,如何在在經濟不景氣下持續維護股東利益,以及如何善用日新月異的科技創新

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Wei-Che Huang Hsing-Hua Huang Hsiang-Yi Yang 以及其他 2 位作者

Infected Abdominal Aortic AneurysmWeiChe Huang1, Hsing‑Hua Huang2, Hsiang‑Yi Yang1, Chien strands (white arrow)WeiChe Huang, et al.233and 180,000/ml, respectively. Blood culture

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Control Systems-An ILC-CMAC Approach Wei-Liang Kuo*, Ming-Yang Cheng**and Wei-Che Tsai used to deal with the servo lag phenomenon (Tsai et al., 2004). However, due to

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Collagen MatrixWei-Che Huang1 Chi-Cheng Tsai2,3 Ya-Pin Ho41Bliss Dental Clinic2School of correspondence to: Dr. Wei-Che Huang, No. 519, Gongyuan Rd., Yilan City, TAIWAN E-mail: nevereverd86

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授,國立台灣大學財務博士。主要研究領域為:風險管理、財務工程、投資學。其學術論文曾發表於國內外學術期刊。 Wei-Che Tsai is an Associate Institutional Holding and Firm Capital Structure on the Taiwan Stock Market Wei-Che Tsai National

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Jim-Tang Wang Hui-Ching Pan Wen-Yu Ho 以及其他 4 位作者

Purpose: To understand the contributing factors behind Postgraduate year (PGY) doctors' decisions to choose a training hospital through self-administered questionnaire. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was completed by candidates on the day of recruitment interview at Hospital K. Results: 197 valid questionnaires were returned with a male to female ratio of 66 to 34. Five factors were determined from 27 questions utilizing exploratory factor analysis, with explained variance of 59.67%. These factors are categorized as: 1) interpersonal and learning environment; 2) organizational commitment and clinical work; 3) salary and past experiences; 4) students' subjective concept of PGY; and 5) student perceptions. In linear regression, factors 1 through 4 had an effect size of β =.56 on "students' perceptions", and it was statistically significant. Further hierarchical regression analyses on interaction between "salary and past experiences" and "interpersonal and learning environment" on "students' perceptions" were not statistically significant. Conclusions: PGY recruitment campaign towards "students' perceptions" was statistically significant. Guaranteed annual salary was once considered as an attractive factor, but our results showed that there was no regulatory effect on "students' perceptions" in this study. Hospital K could continue to explore "interpersonal and learning environment" of which its explanatory power was 51%, and allow it to have a greater influence.

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Tsung-Neng Tsai Wei-Shing Lin Chun-Hsien Wu 以及其他 7 位作者

-Hsien Wu, Wen-Yu Lin, Kai-Min Chu, Cheng-Chung Cheng, Chih-Hsueng Hsu, Wei-Che Tsai, Shu Production in Cultured Human Umbilical Endothelial Cells Tsung-Neng Tsai, Wei-Shing Lin, Chun

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Wei-Che Tsai Keng-Yi Wu Gen-Min Lin 以及其他 5 位作者

with Coronary Artery Disease inTaiwan: A Cross-Sectional StudyWei-Che Tsai,1 Keng-Yi Wu 234Wei-Che Tsai et al.

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本研究以台灣環境、社會與公司治理(Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance,簡稱ESG)上市公司為研究對象,探討財報基本面資訊與橫斷面股票報酬之間的關係。本研究參考Yan and Zheng(2017)之分析架構,建立7,180個財務信號(fundamental signals),並利用這些基本面分析信號構成ESG股票的投資組合,測試這些投資組合在風險調整後是否能產生顯著超額報酬。本研究結果發現,在等權重投資組合的方式下,採用法定盈餘公積的會計信號,經風險調整後的ESG投資組合月報酬可達1.27%。若改用市值加權方式,搭配稅後淨利的會計信號,經風險調整後的ESG投資組合月報酬更可提升至1.70%。本研究結果顯示針對財報基本面資訊進行資料探勘(data-mining),有助於提升ESG投資組合績效。