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本研究旨在探討嘉義市犯罪熱區中居民之犯罪被害恐懼感與防衛空間認知之關聯性。其中包括比較犯罪熱區及犯罪冷區之居民在於犯罪被害恐懼感及防衛空間認知及其各相關因子上是否具有差異,另外也透過對居民的不同人口變項,包含性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、社經地位、健康狀況、治安觀感、居住地區警察維護治安滿意度及被害經驗來探究其在犯罪被害恐懼感及防衛空間認知上是否具有差異或關聯性,最後再探討防衛空間認知與犯罪被害恐懼感之相關情形。研究以嘉義市政府警察局提供調閱之99年刑案發生地點紀錄,透過GIS分析,以街區為取樣單位,界定了4個犯罪熱區及2個犯罪冷區作為研究地區,並以郵寄問卷方式進行測試,共回收了412份有效問卷,並進行測試後的資料分析。 本研究發現犯罪冷熱區之居民在犯罪被害恐懼感及防衛空間認知方面,並無顯著差異。而不同性別、年齡、是否有過間接被害經驗在犯罪被害恐懼感上有不同程度的差異,不同的年齡、婚姻狀況、社經地位及是否有過直接或間接的被害經驗則是在防衛空間認知上有不同程度的差異。另外透過相關分析探討,發現治安觀感與犯罪被害恐懼感有顯著的負相關,與防衛空間認知則是有顯著的正相關,居住地區警察維護治安滿意度則與防衛空間認知有顯著的正相關,防衛空間認知與犯罪被害恐懼感呈現顯著相關,顯現防衛空間認知對犯罪被害恐懼感之影響。 最後根據研究結果,本研究提出加強推動治安風水師方案、提升派出所員警服務、彙整民眾意見來加強管理公共環境、透過獎勵機制鼓勵社區發展以及建立社區防衛空間評量機制等建議,以供警政當局在推動犯罪預防宣導及推動降低民眾犯罪被害恐懼政策時參考。

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料取自本人碩士論文,Kuei-Ying Huang, “The Private Theatre: Lady Hawarden’s Photography,” MA diss

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Andy C. Huang Ming-Che Liu Tung-Hu Tsai 以及其他 3 位作者

Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which needles are inserted into specific areas in the body to stimulate certain physiological reactions of the body. Clinical research shows that acupuncture is beneficial in treating a variety of illnesses, such as erectile dysfunction. Therefore, we investigated the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of both low- and high frequencies at Guanyuan (CV4) and Zhongji (CV3) acupoints on male copulatory behavior in sexually experienced male rats. The animals were randomly divided into four groups: control, sham EA, EA, and only acupuncture. The administered low and high EA were 2 Hz and 80 Hz, respectively, for which the respective intensities were 1.5 mA (30 min/day for 5 days) and 1.5 mA (30 min once). The only acupuncture-administered group received acupunctures at CV4 and CV3 without electrical stimulation. Following the acupuncture treatments, copulatory behavior test was conducted. Eventually, animals were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for testing the serum hormonal profile including luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone (T), and serotonin (5-HT). Results showed that low-frequency EA-treated rats exhibited increasing intromissions and ejaculation latency compared to control, sham EA, and acupuncture groups, while high-frequency EA-treated rats displayed lower intromissions and ejaculation frequency when compared with those in controls. Furthermore, serum levels of 5-HT and LH in low-frequency EA-treated rats were higher than all the other groups. These results indicate that compared to high-frequency EA, the low-frequency EA might be efficacious in the treatment of premature ejaculation, thereby improving sexual behavior.

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Factors Among Clinical NursesKuei-Ying Wang • Chuan-Chiang Chou* • Jui-Lan Huang 意度之探討.中台灣醫誌,12(2),100-108。[Tsai, H. C., Huang, L. C., Liu, S. C., Wang, H. C., Li, T. C

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Huang**, Kuei-Ying Su***,Kai-Huang Hsiao**Objective: Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) is a in a Hospital-Based Study in Taiwan (1990-2009)Shiang-Fen Huang, Chong-Chen Lu*, De-Feng

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Huang, Kuei-Ying Wang, Jui-Chu Ma, Jui-Lan Huang Branch, TaiwanKuei-Ying Wang RN, MSN, Supervisor, Nursing Department, Mackay Memorial

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  • OpenAccess

prolonged bleeding time Kuei-Ying Su1,2, Shih-Tzu Tsai2, Huei-Ting Lee1, Wei-Sheng Chen1, De Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, TaiwanCorresponding author: De-Feng Huang, M.D