  • 期刊

Scanning Near-Shore Intertidal Terrain Using Ground LiDAR


Intertidal zone refers to the area under and above the water during high and low tides. Traditionally, this zone is not within the scope of land management authorities. Moreover, in accordance with principals set out by existing plans, intertidal zones are excluded from management zones. Boundaries should therefore be set at the land and sea border. Traditionally, methods in determining this have included the traditional theodolite (total station) method, mapping and aerial photography (photogrammetry). However, existing operational restrictions lower efficiency, in addition to increasing time and operational costs. Therefore this paper explores the practicality of a user-friendly, ground-based high resolution laser scanning technology. This method offers easy operation and high-density characteristics with an instrument platform that can be installed on elevated rooftops. High accuracy and resolution is achieved using a stop-and-go method producing Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data. The range of the completed data is 61km in length, 2.5km in width, and -0.5m depth, with a sampling error of approximately ±2cm. Through the implementation discussed in this research, accurate information about the changes of topography in intertidal areas can be obtained.


LiDAR Laser Intertidal Area Topography
