  • 期刊


Simulation and Application of Protection Facilities for Rockfall Hazard Area Based on the Discrete Element Method and Photogrammetry


本研究主要以無人載具及現場調查評估苗62 線與錦卦大橋交界之落石災害特性,並以攝影測量建構研究區高精度三維模型,進而以分離元素法模擬落石運動行為與落石網防護效能評估。而為驗證分離元素法模擬落石行為之可行性,本研究亦採用小型物理模型試驗進行參數校正及比對,再進行研究區落石運動過程模擬與推估後續落石之影響範圍,期能做為日後落石防護設計之參考。


This study focused on the characteristics of the rockfall disaster at the intersection of the Miaoli NO.62 Road and Jin-Gua Bridge through unmanned aerial vehicle and field investigation. The study also used photogrammetry to establish a high resolution 3D model and constructed a discrete element method to simulate the process of the rockfall movement and assessment effectiveness of the rockfall barrier. Numerical parameters calibrated with physical modeling are used to investigate the coefficient of restitution. Then, the numerical simulation method is further applied to the field in a full-scale case study. Finally, the results can serve as a reference for rockfall disaster prevention and associated renovation project planning.
