  • 期刊


A Study of Brand Image Toward Customer Satisfaction-Taking Garmin Smartwatch as an Example


根據美國運動醫學會2016年報告中顯示(Thompson, 2015),2017年全球體適能的十大趨勢發展,穿戴式裝置科技為十大體適能發展趨勢之首位,而2016年全球穿戴式裝置市場產值將上看287億美元,而智慧手錶就占了約115億美元的產值,然而2016年前五大智慧手錶企業全球出貨量以及市占率數值,相較於2015年同期之比較,大多數的企業成長率是大跌,以總體出貨量來說更是足足少了一半之多,唯獨Garmin智慧手錶出貨量有爆炸性的成長,研究者從相關資料發現,Garmin近期的行銷策略以及所推出的新款智慧手錶,多從品牌形象面上的提升為其策略,因此本文綜整國內外相關文獻,初步探討品牌形象對於顧客滿意度之關係,提供Garmin以及其他智慧手錶產業之企業對於未來可行之行銷方向。


According to the American College of Sports Medicine (Thompson, 2015), the Top Fitness Trend of 2017 was Wearable Technology. The value of out-put of Wearable Technology accounts for more than $28.7 billion, $11.5 billion of which is the value of output. However, the market share of most companies selling smartwatches in 2016 dropped drastically, compared to 2015. Surprisingly, only the market share of Garmin increased noticeably. This study finds that due to its marketing strategies, Garmin attempted to increase brand image from related documents. Thus, information related to domestic and overseas documents have been provided, in order to better understand the effect that brand Image has toward customer satisfaction. It is this study's hope that this information will provide Garmin or other related companies an insight into some feasible strategies for the future.
