  • 期刊

Turning Crisis into Opportunity:An Essay on the Cultural Preconditions of Contemporary Crisis Mentality through a Conceptual Analysis of Weiji



本文探究的是流行於當代社會「將危機化為機遇」之觀念的文化前提條件。從以萊因哈德‧柯塞勒克(Reinhart Koselleck, 1923-2006)為代表的德國概念史出發,本文對比了中國和西方的「危機」概念史,並運用數據庫方法考察了這一概念在近代中國的形成和演化。分析得出的結論是,「危機」的概念史,尤其是它在近現代時期的發展,基本符合柯塞勒克對"crisis"與西方現代性起源之關係所提出的理論框架。「危機」在現代中文裡的用法起源於晚清的改革運動以及隨之興起的關於中國民族國家的言論及意識。「危機」言論從1895至1925年間在中文輿論中的擴張,反映出了波及到文化歷史層面的深層文化轉型。「危機」作為一個單獨的概念,被捲入了包括民族主義、共和主義、共產主義在內的各種意識形態之中,成為了關鍵辭彙;而這些意識形態又都根植於現代社會在形成過程中所展現出的深層歷史觀念架構之上。正因如此,只有在中國與西方歷史文化觀念趨同的基礎上,"crisis"和「危機」的近代演變軌跡才能說是趨同了的。這種趨同不僅是「將危機化為機遇」這種觀念在當代社會普及的文化前提條件,也是民族主義、共產主義、工業主義、資本主義、科學主義等強大意識形態能在中國生根發芽的觀念基礎 。


This study inquires into the cultural preconditions of a popular conception in contemporary societies characterized by the idea of turning crisis into opportunity. Building on Reinhart Koselleck’s thesis regarding the conceptual origins of modern crisis mentality in European cultures, this paper presents an analysis of the conceptual history of weiji 危機 (the Chinese word for ”crisis”) in the Chinese cultural-historical context using the Jin-Liu Database Method. I argue that the history of weiji and its modern transformations are compatible with Koselleck’s basic theoretical framework relating ”crisis” and ”modernity.” The modern use of weiji originated in the late Qing reform movement, which saw the emergence of a discourse and widespread consciousness of Chinese nationalism. The proliferation of weiji-talk found in Chinese public press during the thirty- year period 1895-1925 was indicative of larger cultural transformations involving changes in the cultural conception of history. Within this context, the concept of weiji became drafted into ideologies of nationalism, republicanism, and Communism, the operation of which all depended on the new cultural mentality regarding the nature of historical change as linear and man-made. For this reason, the conceptual histories of ”weiji” and ”crisis” could be said to have converged during the 20th century on the basis of a deeper convergence of their underlying cultural conception of history. This convergence has provided an important cultural precondition for not only the pervasive idea of turning crisis into opportunity in contemporary societies but also the emergence and evolution of powerful ideologies including nationalism, communism, industrialism, capitalism, and scientism in modern China.
