  • 會議論文


The Study of Evaluation of the Criteria for Selecting Advertisement Speakers-A Case Study of a Cosmetics Speaker


選擇適合之廣告代言人是廣告行銷之重要課題,國內有許多學者對於廣告代言人部份進行相關研究,卻鮮少研究在探討廣告代言人之選擇因素評估,因此本研究試圖由廣告代言人之相關研究中,彙整出選擇廣告代言人之五大重要決策層面及十五項評估因素,並以最常使用廣告代言人之化妝品廣告為例,利用層級分析法(Analytical hierarchy process, AHP)對化妝品廣告代言人選擇因素進行評估,並求出各評估因素之權重。由分析結果發現,化妝品廣告代言人在決策層面中以代言人之「吸引力」為最重要之因素,且決策層面與評估因素權重相乘之組合中,亦以「吸引力」之權重最高,因此選擇化妝品廣告代言人時,可以代言人之「吸引力」為首要考量之因素。本研究所提出之廣告代言人決策層面及評估因素,可提供後續學者與業界進行相關研究時之參考依據。


It is a very important issue of the advertisement marketing to choose the right advertisement speaker. In Taiwan there are some studies about the advertisement speakers themselves, but there are very few studies about the evaluation of the criteria for selecting advertisement speakers. In this study, we attempt to summarize the important decisive factors and evaluation criteria for selecting advertisement speakers. We also use the cosmetics advertisements, which are highly dependent on the speakers, as our case study. We use Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the criteria for selecting advertisement speakers so as to find out the weighting of each selection criteria. This study can be a valuable reference for the future studies in this area by people in academia and business.


詹雅婷(2010)。代言人可信度對品牌形象與購買意願影響之研究 -以產品涉入程度為干擾變數〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2010.00077
