  • 期刊


From Physics to Metaphysics: Taoist Breathing Exercises and Chuang-tzu's Philosophy




道家 導引 莊子 養生 運動


In the excavations of Changsha Ma-Wang-Due's No.3 Han Dynasty tomb of 1973 people found a collection of illustrative plate that utilized various color of red, blue, brown and black to depict 44 different gestures of Taoist breathing exercises. This is the earliest collection of illustrative plate of breathing exercises found in China.Breathing exercise's ”making breathing harmonious and body ductile” can prolong people s live and prevent them from diseases. However, the origin of breathing exercise can be traced back to the era before Shih Huang Ti of The Chin Dynasty. Chuang-tzu's Ker Hi is the earliest written collection that recorded the names of breathing exercises and its methods. In that collection, there were written words of ”Making breathing harmonious exhaling the old and inhaling the new, and imitating bear and bird's gestures are good for prolonging one's live. This is the followers of long-lived Pon-Zhu who long for preserving health and staying in good shape to pursue for.” Even though there was no further direct description, breathing exercises were mainly health preserving exercise in which combined the movements of limbs and trunk with Taoist's thoughts of body and mind.From many part in Chuang-tzu's book, we know that he had concluded some excellent theories from his Jong time practicsing breathing and body exercises. This paper is, by using the tangible contents of breathing exercise, to connect Taoist metaphysical thoughts established by Chuang-tzu. From this paper, one might find that breathing exercises originating from Taoism are totally different from the constricted Western physical exercises As a matter of fact, Taoist's breathing exercises include the movements of people's limbs and trunk and the cultivation of people's moral as well. If one understands Chuang-tzu's philosophy, then the effects and values can be rightly pursued.This paper begins with the historical origins of the connections between breathing exercises and the medical Taoists, and the Chuang-tzu's nature thoughts of imitating animals will be discussed later. And then, the contents of breathing exercises such as movements, breathing, conceptions and Chuang-tzu's philosophy of form, chi, and spirit will be discussed too.
