  • 期刊


Promoting the integrity of air-transport care referral system for off-island critically ill patients


為提升某區域醫院執行空中轉診照護過程之品質,於2011年7月1日-2011年12月31日查檢東部離島急重症病人空中轉診照護過程之完整性為71.4%。探討因素為:護理人員飛行安全認知不足、飛安設備操作不熟悉、機艙環境限制、救護包晶項複雜、未制定標準作業及交班工具。經改善方案:制定急重症病人空中轉診標準作業規範及交班單、修訂救護包晶項、改善儀器設備、安排教育訓練課程,對策實施後完整性7由1. 4%提升至94%,達成專案目的。期望提供此空中轉診照護過程之經驗,作為日後急重症病人空中轉診照護之參考,以提供離島地區急重症病人於空中轉診過程時能有高晶質的照護。


To promote the quality of air-transport care referral system for critically ill patients in a regional hospital in eastern Taiwan, a survey regarding the integrity of air-transport care referral system was done on December 31, 2011, and the report indicated a score of 71.4 percent. The results stated that the nursing staff did not have sufficient awareness of flight safety and were not familiar with the operation of flight safety devices; the cabin environment was limited; the items in the emergency kit were complex; and the operational standards and the knowledge exchange form for shift changes were not developed. The improvement projects included developing the operational standards and nursing knowledge exchange sheets for critically ill patient air-transport care referral; revising emergency kit items; improving air-transport devices; and arranging training programs. With the implementation of these measures, the integrity score improved from 71.4% to 94% and the project objectives were achieved. The author expects that this experience can be shared as a reference for providing high quality air-transport care transferals for critically ill off-island patients.


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