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Effect of Growing Mother Plant at Different Elevation on the Number of Runner Plant and Berry Yield of Strawberry


為探討草莓育苗親株於不同海拔培育四個月後,再移置於平地繁殖幼苗,對穴植管苗數及果實產量之影響,以桃園1號及桃園3號為材料,親株盆栽於1999年及2000年每年12月上旬分別置於海拔33.5 m、1000 m及1600 m等三處,翌年3月下旬移至新竹縣關西鎮育苗。試驗採用逢機完全區集設計,四重複。兩年試驗結果以海拔1000 m處理之每株育苗親株所繁殖穴植管苗數最多,海拔1600 m處理次之,海拔33.5 m處理最少,處理間差異達到極顯著,品種間之穴植管苗數則差異不顯著;果實產量試驗亦於關西鎮進行兩年,試驗設計與處理方法同育苗試驗,植株生育調查結果,中、高海拔處理之株寬與中間小葉面積顯著大於低海拔處理者;果實糖度、硬度與產量等性狀,不同海拔處理間差異不顯著,但是,品種間差異則均顯著。


草苺 海拔 穴植管苗 產量


Experiments were conducted from 1999 to 2002 to study the effect of growing strawberry mother plants at different elevations on the number of runner plants and berry yield. Strawberry varieties ”Taoyuan 1” and ”Taoyuan 3” were used and mother plants were grown at 33.5 m, 1000 m and 1600 m elevations in early December in 1999 and 2000 and then transferred to propagate runner plants at low land field in late of March. The runner plant propagation and berry yield trials were conducted at Kwanshi, Hsinchu. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Results of experiments are summarized as follows.Differences in number of runner plant per mother plant among elevations were highly significant, the highest was shown in the treatment of growing mother plant at 1000 m elevation and the next were those at 1600 m and 33.5 m elevation, there was no significant difference between varieties. In the berry yield, higher plant width and larger area of leaflet were found from 1600 m and 1000 m elevations. No significant difference in horticultural characteristics such as sugar content of fruit, fruit firmness and berry yield among elevations was found, but significant difference was found between varieties.


strawberry elevation runner plant on tube yield


