  • 期刊


A Research of Coaches' Managing Behavior of School Rowing Teams at all Levels


本研究旨在探討各級學校划船代表隊教練管理行為之研究。研究者以各級學校划船代表隊204名選手為研究對象。選手教練管理行為量表為研究工具進行問卷調查,將所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較等級相關分析。研究結果顯示: (一)各級學校划船代表隊選手的人。統計現況,性別上男佔67%人,女選手佔33%人;「高中」選手居多;第1~4名選手居多,佔69.61%。 (二)教練管理行為各層面的認知以「調和訓練與生活」評分最高平均值最高。 (三)各級學校划船代表隊教練管理行為之選手背景變項中不同性別、成就上均無影響;不同級別雪費事後比較,高中選手在教練管理行為之「提供即時回贛」較國中選手認同,國中選手在「強調長幼倫理」上較大專選手認同。


划船 教練管理行為


The purpose of this study was to better understand coaching management behavior. Participants consisted of students ranging from Primary School to University level rowing team members. Instrumentation of measurement consisted of a questionnaire of 204 school students. independence specimen T-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe' method. The conclusion of this study are as follows: (a). The result of demographic statistics shows that male plays the majority of 67% among all the participant, females took consisted of 33%. Athletes from Senior High school play the majority of 46.57% among all the participants and 69.61% examinee gained 1(superscript st) to 4(superscript th) place during their career. (b). As for the coaches' managing behavior, ”balance of training and general living” scores the highest point. (c). As for the coaches' managing behavior, ”provision of immediate feedback,” players of senior high schools tend to be more acceptable than those of junior high schools, while as for the ”request for self-discipline,” the result is on the contrary.


Rowling Coaches Managing Behavior

