

This survey of low back pain recurrence is mainly on the patients who were treated in the rehabilitation department of National Taiwan University Hospital from Aug. 1982 to Aug. 1984. Patients with low back pain which was caused by abnormal structures, such as compression fracture, scoliosis, psychogenic factors or status post lumbar operation, are excluded. Patients whose pain could not be relieved by treatment or the relief time less than 3 months are not included in the study, too. All the remaining cases were followed by a phone call interview and only ninety persons have complete data on our quastionaire. Among the 97 subjects, 60 persons (61.9%) have recurrence but only 27 subjects (27.8%) require medical consultation and treatment. The reported main reason of recurrence is overwork. The recurrence rate of female patients (70.5%) appears to be greater than the male patients (54.7%). Male patients under age of 30 have higher recurrence rate than the other age group. Patients with soft tissue injury have the highest recurrence rate (70.4%). On the other hand patients with herniated disc have to the lowest recurrence. However, there was no significant difference among the different diagnosis. This study also shows that the daily activity level of lumbar spine would influence the recurrence of low back pain (p<0.05). The knowledge of low back pain protection has shown correlation with the low back pain recurrence.




This survey of low back pain recurrence is mainly on the patients who were treated in the rehabilitation department of National Taiwan University Hospital from Aug. 1982 to Aug. 1984. Patients with low back pain which was caused by abnormal structures, such as compression fracture, scoliosis, psychogenic factors or status post lumbar operation, are excluded. Patients whose pain could not be relieved by treatment or the relief time less than 3 months are not included in the study, too. All the remaining cases were followed by a phone call interview and only ninety persons have complete data on our quastionaire. Among the 97 subjects, 60 persons (61.9%) have recurrence but only 27 subjects (27.8%) require medical consultation and treatment. The reported main reason of recurrence is overwork. The recurrence rate of female patients (70.5%) appears to be greater than the male patients (54.7%). Male patients under age of 30 have higher recurrence rate than the other age group. Patients with soft tissue injury have the highest recurrence rate (70.4%). On the other hand patients with herniated disc have to the lowest recurrence. However, there was no significant difference among the different diagnosis. This study also shows that the daily activity level of lumbar spine would influence the recurrence of low back pain (p<0.05). The knowledge of low back pain protection has shown correlation with the low back pain recurrence.


Low back pain Sciatica Recurrence rate


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