  • 期刊


Chinese Herbal Therapy and Acupuncture in Treating Asperger Syndrome With a History of Preterm Birth: A Case Report


本病例是一位6歲男童,有早產30^(+2)週出生史,出生體重1430 g,Apgar score 8到9,因腦室出血及周腦室白質軟化症所致之發展遲緩,持續於兒童神經科及復健科治療追蹤。自一年前起,因認知及語言發展問題、對特定事物異常執著且伴隨情緒不穩,至兒童心智科評估為亞斯伯格症,前來中醫兒科就診希望能改善發展及情緒問題。中醫診斷為煩躁及五遲,證型屬肝腎不足、肝失條達及肝陽過亢,治以主方抑肝散及針灸治療後,男童的情緒較穩定,語言溝通能力進步。此病例報告可做為早產兒發展遲緩合併亞斯伯格症之治療參考。


早產兒 亞斯伯格症 抑肝散


This 6-year-old boy has a birth history of preterm 30^(+2) weeks, birth body weight 1430 g, Apgar score 8 at birth and 9 at 5 minutes. The neonatal neurosonography revealed bilateral grade I intraventricular hemorrhage with mild ventriculomegaly and left periventricular cystic leukomalacia. The boy received a regular rehabilitation program and follow-up treatment in outpatient service of pediatric neurology. The boy had delays in cognitive, language, and motor development. In addition, the boy developed an extreme focus on the specific topic of interest and had difficulty with changes in routines for one year. As he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome by a pediatric psychiatrist, the boy's parents hoped that he could receive treatment of Chinese medicine. According to TCM theory, the diagnosis was five kinds of maldevelopment with agitation, and the syndrome differentiation was deficiency of liver and kidney, stagnation of liver qi, and ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang. Through the treatment of Chinese herbal therapy in which Yi-Gan San as the main prescription and acupuncture, the boy's mood, communication skills, and cognitive function were significantly improved. This case report presented Chinese herbal therapy and acupuncture are effective in treating Asperger syndrome associated with delayed development.


preterm neonate Asperger syndrome Yi-Gan San
