  • 期刊


Managing COVID-19 Infection in ICU - Experience sharing of a Medical Center in Central Taiwan




In order to maintain the safety of our staff and patients, and prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2 which causes the COVID-19 pandemic, our hospital set up dedicated negative pressure intensive care units (ICU) and preventative measures. As a reference, this is a summary of how we implemented the dedicated negative pressure ICU and related preventative measures. From January to July 2021, there were 370 suspected/confirmed patients admitted into the negative pressure ICU. Those patients were placed into isolated negative pressure rooms. Through the cooperation and assistance of various hospital departments, we formulated systematic measures, protocols, and standardized training. We floated staff and support staff to different departments as needed, and provided everyone with the necessary training, which allowed the staff to care for the patients confidently. Evidence based practice was utilized to modify the protocols for improved patient results as time went on. Nosocomial infection of SARS-COV-2 virus was absent in both patients and staff during this period of time.
