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Objects as Truth are Subtle: Chih-i's Theory of Truth



The issue of truth is essential in the teaching of Buddhism. According to Chih-i, one's conception of certain type of truth determines one's practice of striving to realize that truth, and one's realization of certain type of truth reflects one's level of attainment. In this paper, we would like to explore Chih-i's systematic discussion of truth in his work Miao-fa Lien-hua Ching Hsuan-i 《妙法蓮華經玄義》 (Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra). Truth, for Chih-i, concerns objective reality that all the Buddhas cherish. To realize truth is the goal of religious practice that fulfills the task of self-enlightenment. On the other hand, one's attainment of enlightenment enables one to fulfill the task of liberating others. In Chih-i's view, Buddhahood is realized in one's mission of helping others. Enlightenment for oneself and for others as the cause and effect of Buddhahood is concerned with the issue of truth. Chih-i regards the issue of truth as the most important, because truth is the foundation on which the essential teaching of the cause and effect of Buddhahood is based. The issue of truth is fully discussed in Chih-i's elaboration of the “Subtlety of Objects", which is the first of the Ten Subtleties in the Traces in his interpretation of the Lotus Sutra. The Ten Subtleties reflect Chih-i's system of understanding Buddhism.




境妙 實相 佛因佛果 自行化他 開權顯實


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