  • 期刊


The Effect of Different Environmental Temperatures on Running Performance and Blood Biochemical Variables


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercising in different environmental temperatures on running performance and blood biochemical responses. Ten male mid-long distance runners aged between 19 to 24 yrs (age 22.00±1.56 yrs, height 179.55±4.45 cm, weight 69.99±7.61 kg) were recruited as subjects. The repeated measure design was employed in this study. Each subject was tested on a treadmill to exhaustion at 70% of VO2 max using Bruce protocols both in hot environment (35, 75%RH) and normal environment (24, 70% RH). The tests were conducted in a randomly counterbalanced crossover order. In this study the change of proteinuria, blood lactate and exercise duration were measured. The proceeding physiological parameters were measured from blood sample taken from each subject’s fingertips post-exercise at 0, 3, 5, 7, 10 minutes and urine sample post-exercise at 15 minutes. Paired t-test was used to analysis these data, the results were as following: 1. There was significant difference in level of oxygen consumption when exercise at 70% VO2 max exercise intensity in different temperatures. 2. There was significant difference in exercise duration when exercise in different temperatures. 3. There was significant difference in blood lactate when exercise in different temperatures. In conclusion, the environmental temperatures had effects on running performance, exercise duration, VO2, and blood lactate.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercising in different environmental temperatures on running performance and blood biochemical responses. Ten male mid-long distance runners aged between 19 to 24 yrs (age 22.00±1.56 yrs, height 179.55±4.45 cm, weight 69.99±7.61 kg) were recruited as subjects. The repeated measure design was employed in this study. Each subject was tested on a treadmill to exhaustion at 70% of VO2 max using Bruce protocols both in hot environment (35, 75%RH) and normal environment (24, 70% RH). The tests were conducted in a randomly counterbalanced crossover order. In this study the change of proteinuria, blood lactate and exercise duration were measured. The proceeding physiological parameters were measured from blood sample taken from each subject’s fingertips post-exercise at 0, 3, 5, 7, 10 minutes and urine sample post-exercise at 15 minutes. Paired t-test was used to analysis these data, the results were as following: 1. There was significant difference in level of oxygen consumption when exercise at 70% VO2 max exercise intensity in different temperatures. 2. There was significant difference in exercise duration when exercise in different temperatures. 3. There was significant difference in blood lactate when exercise in different temperatures. In conclusion, the environmental temperatures had effects on running performance, exercise duration, VO2, and blood lactate.


