  • 期刊


A Study of Female Theological Education of South Taiwan in 1895-1940




In the mid-19th Century, the Presbyterian Church of England started a mission in South Taiwan which engaged in medical work, evangelical work, and educational work. With respect to the educational work, a Middle School and College were established for the purpose of general and religious education of boys. The College, nowadays named Tainan Theological College and Seminary, provided theological education to future preachers and ministers. In terms of education for girls, the Girls' School and the Women's Bible School were set up for general education and to impart basic Bible knowledge to women. The Women's Bible School was aimed at training Bible-women for the churches. The Women's Bible School was closed in 1926 when Ms. Margaret Barnett retired from the field. Two years later, this school was reorganized and started anew as the Women's Bible Institute (WBI) to meet the needs of a new era. The WBI offered further theological curricula for the training of female Sunday school teachers and Church workers. The graduates qualified were assigned to local congregations as female preachers and were paid, though at a much lower rate than their male counterparts. These female preachers could not yet be ordained during this period. There has long been lack of studies on female theological education in South Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. This article deals with the Women's Bible School and the Women's Bible Institute between 1895 and 1940 to disclose the history of the two schools for female theological education.
