  • 期刊


Healthcare Practitioners' Role and Reflection on Factors Related to Health Promotion of Sexual Attitude in Adolescence




Adolescent social cases are emerged one after another incessantly recently. Particularly, lots of teenagers lose their direction and then result in aberrant behaviors and incorrect thinking patterns because of internet network. These also make many adolescent social issues, especially sexual problems. This article describes related factors of adolescent sexual attitude by integrating literature review, including parent-child communication, family structure and social status, behavior of internet and medium use, school education, peer groups, culture background and cohort evolution. We also mention the present situation and related healthcare intervention based on the above factors. For the role of health-promotion, healthcare practitioners should adapt to the trend of the era and expand their views. According to the current problems and influences of teenagers, healthcare practitioners should collect subjective and objective information, assess their demands accurately and provide suitable assists to help teenagers' physical and mental privacy in their growing stage. We hope this article could let healthcare practitioners reflect themselves about the role function and position of sexual education.


