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A brief introduction to western Anatomical Acupuncture




Anatomical acupuncture therapy is developed from the science of Chinese medicine and acupuncture moxibustion. This therapy method uses anatomy to guide clinical acupuncture practice, and is mainly used for the treatment of neuromuscular pain, nerve pain and/or fascia pain syndrome. Upon overseas development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, anatomical acupuncture therapy has been established as an independent treatment method from Chinese medicine due to the history, language, culture, translation and economical other reasons. Western medicine uses anatomy and physiology to explain the effectiveness of clinical acupuncture needling treatment. Anatomical acupuncture treatment is now established as a different schools of practice in "medical acupuncture" including: wet needling acupuncture, dry needling acupucnture therapy, myofascial trigger points acupuncture therapy, neuromuscular acupuncture therapy, and biomedical acupuncture etc.


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Filshie, Jacqueline,White, Adrian(1998).Medical Acupuncture: A Western Scientific Approach.Elsevier Health Sciences.
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