  • 期刊


Amyloid Neuropathy with Transthyretin Mutations: Overview and Unique Ala97Ser in Taiwan


類澱粉神經病變一向是原發性周邊神經病變的重要鑑別診斷,過去認爲類澱粉神經病變在台灣很少見,但是最近台灣的研究,顯示轉運蛋白(transthyretin, TTR)在Ala97Ser位點的突變是台灣最重要的類澱粉神經病變(TTR Ala97Ser)。對於台大醫院19位病人的臨床分析,顯示台灣TTR Ala97Ser的類澱粉神經病變是一全面性(pan-modality)的周邊神經病變,包括運動、感覺與自主神經都受犯,病理變化爲軸索退化型(axonal degenerateion)。病人都是屬於晚發型(late adult-onset),平均發病年齡爲59.5±5.7歲(範圍48~68),男性多於女性(16:3)。臨床表現爲漸進性之運動神經障礙,包括四肢肌肉萎縮、無力,多數病人數年內需要輪椅助行。感覺神經症狀包括大纖維神經與小纖維神經的缺失,病人常有劇烈神經痛。病人有相當嚴重的自主神經症狀是其特點,尤其是姿勢性低血壓與腹瀉;而且在部分病人,自主神經病變是最初其的症狀,早於運動與感覺神經症狀,造成早期診斷的盲點。在最近十年,有關類澱粉神經病變的治療策略,因爲積極的研究,有了新的方向,對這一神經退化疾病的照顧,可以有新的思維:(1)症狀治療,如姿勢性低血壓與神經痛的緩解治療等,可以改善病人的生活品質,(2)對於類澱粉沈積機制的改善如肝移植臟與穩定轉運蛋白的小分子藥物,對病人的疾病控制,提供新的方向。


Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is a major etiology in differential diagnosis of symmetric axonalform polyneuropathy, but had been considered an unusual disease in Taiwan. We have reviewed the pathology of nerve biopsies and sequenced the entire 4 exons of transthyretin (TTR), the most common genetic mutation of FAP. Our studies indicated that the mutation of TTR at Ala97Ser (TTR Ala97Ser) was a new mutation only reported in ethnic Taiwanese, and this mutation accounted for the most frequent etiology of adult-onset pan-modality (involving motor, sensory, and autonomic components of peripheral nerves) polyneuropathy with the pathology of axonal degeneration type. Over the past 10 years, there have been advancements in the management of FAP due to TTR mutations: (1) symptomatic treatments of dyaautonomia, especially orthostatic hypotension, and (2) therapies with liver transplantation and small molecules to reduce or stabilize TTR.

