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Evaluation of Genetic Variability in Taiwan Endemic Catfish Clarias Fuscus Species Using PAPD Markers

運用隨機擴增多樣性核苷酸標記評估臺灣本土原生種塘虱魚Clarias Fuscus遺傳變異


本研究旨在修訂美國1983年版之Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children,供我國學校或兒童教育研究機構評估二歲半至十二歲半兒童智力和成就水準之用。考夫曼兒童智力測驗共有十六個分測驗,視受試兒童年齡水準而選用七至十三個分測驗施測,測驗時間約需三十五至八十分鐘。本研究歷經兩年,其第一年工作側重在編製試題、預試和項目分析,第二年工作側重標準化程序和追踪研究。以選自臺灣北、中、東、南四區1600名兒童組成標準化標本,供建立標準分數常模之依據。信度研究採重測法及庫李法二者,而效度研究則採構想效度法和效標關聯效度法。


The purpose of this research was to revise the K-ABC for childrenfrom age two and half to age twelve and half.It is a two-year project.Inthe first year project,the test items were selected based on the resultsof the carefully designed pre-testing.In this second year,the teststandardization and its follow-up research were Conducted.The Normativegroups,sampled in reference of age,sex.geograjshic regior,sorid economicstatus,and urban-rural residewe,consisted of 1600 Children from age 3 andage 12.Data obtained during test standardization were used to Constucttest Norms.The revised test,examined in terms of reliability and validitywas found to be an useful instrument for Measuring the intelligence andachievement.
