  • 期刊

Extensive Subgaleal Abscess and Epidural Empyema in a Patient with Acute Frontal Sinusitis



Acute frontal sinusitis can be a serious condition because of its potential life-threatening complications. These complications, including spread of infection to the frontal bone and intracranially, require prompt diagnosis and intervention to avoid morbidity and mortality. We report a case of acute frontal sinusitis in a 16-year-old girl who presented with fever, severe headache, and vomiting of 3 days’ duration. Generalized fluctuant swelling of the nasal root, and bilateral supraorbital and frontoparietal regions was noted. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated left pansinusitis, extensive subgaleal abscess and epidural empyema with osteomyelitis of the frontal bone. External frontoethmoidectomy with mucoperiostectomy were performed. Endoscopic sinus surgery was then conducted for intranasal ethmoidectomy. Intraoperative cultures grew viridans streptococci, coagulase-negative staphylococci and Peptostreptococcus micros. The patient received 3 weeks of treatment with intravenous antibiotics (penicillin 3 MU 4-hourly, ceftriaxone 500 mg 12-hourly, metronidazole 500 mg 6-hourly) and was discharged uneventfully and prescribed additional oral antibiotics for 5 weeks (clindamycin 150 mg 6-hourly and chloramphenicol 250 mg 6-hourly). CT revealed complete resolution of the abscess and clear maxillary and ethmoid sinuses at 7 weeks post-treatment. The patient was free of sinus infection at 4-years follow-up, without noticeable cosmetic deformity.
