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The Study of "Anxiety of influence" on Jin Yong Novel Edition Correction


筆者援用哈羅德・布魯姆(Harold Bloom) 提出的「影響的焦慮」(Anxiety of Influence),作為研究金庸小說改版的方法,將討論重心放在前人不曾關注,但卻是造成差異的重要因素――金庸做為一個「作者」的心理轉折。據筆者考察,金庸舊版小說本有不少仿傚前人之處,依類又可分為取法於中國古典小說――〈虯髯客〉、《三國演義》與《水滸傳》、外國文學作品――大仲馬《基督山恩仇記》與梅里美〈瑪特渥・法爾哥勒〉、舊派武俠小說――還珠樓主的《蜀山劍俠傳》與《青城十九俠》及自身以往之作等等。而這些仿傚,在金庸修訂作品時,或以「刪去」與「改寫」等書寫策略,或用「暗合」、「肯定己作」等論述,試圖消解其所帶來的「影響焦慮」,並藉此提升作品獨創的純度。經由層層考察與參酌多方面的評論,筆者以為金庸在消解「影響的焦慮」上實是頗具成效。從「影響焦慮」看金庸小說改版,可勾勒出一個「作者」從「模擬前人」到「肯定自我」的變化。而這樣的變化,應該就是金庸能執現當代武俠小說界牛耳,其作品能從「通俗小說」邁向「文學經典」的關鍵之一。


In this paper, I invoke the ”anxiety of influence”, as a method of research on revision of Jin Yong's novels, focused on our predecessors did not concern will be discussed, but are important factors contributing to differences: Jin Yong as an ”author” the psychological turning point.According to my research, Jin Yong's old version novels this has many follow predecessors of department, according to class also can is divided into ancient times novel, foreign novel, old time chivalric fiction novel and own past work. These follow suit, when amended in Jin Yong's works, or to ”deleted” and ”overwrite”, in addition, he also says the declaration is a coincidence, or definitely own performance. Attempting to digestion as a result of its ”anxiety of influence”, and works in order to raise the original purity. Through the layers of investigation and taking into account a wide range of comments, I think that Jin Yong's digestion ”anxiety of influence” is effective.The study of ”anxiety of influence” on Jin Yong novel edition correction, can be sketched out a ”authors” from ”simulation people” to ”ego” changes. And this change, it should be is Jin Yong is a great chivalric fiction novel writer, whose works from ”popular fiction” to ”literary classic” one of the keys.
