  • 期刊


An Exploration of the Characters' Portraits and Themes in Hong Xing-fu's Novels




洪醒夫 小說 人物形象 主題


Hong Xingfu is from a poverty-stricken peasant family located in the county of Erh-Lin, Zhang-hua, in Taiwan. His ancestors were farmers for many generations. Due to experiencing Taiwanese transit from an agricultural society to an industrial society and viewing farmers' poverty, suffering, perseverance, and acceptance of their fate, he mainly describes the daily life stories of farmers and the ordinary people with adroit skills. This paper intends to analyze his original materials by using novel techniques to demonstrate their characters' portraits and the profound themes. Hong Xing-fu is good at depicting characters from the image of the external appearance and their actions, the background of physical surroundings, and the technique of contrast. In addition, to accurately capture the spirit of the characters, he carefully considers the language, dialogue, and extensive use of Taiwanese local ways of addresses. Moreover, he skillfully integrates the Taiwanese dialect, slang, and vulgar proverbs, making his novels close to Taiwanese readers. In this way, he could vividly deduce the themes of Taiwanese attitudes toward their lives and fates, their respect to the lands, their determination and vitality, as well as their valuable compassion for other people.


Hong Xing-fu novel characters' portraits themes
