  • 期刊


A numerical model computing the performance of an internally cooled/heated style liquid desiccant dehumidification system




The climate in Taiwan is hot and wet, therefore the air-conditioning by dehumidification technology plays a crucial role in the control of indoor air quality. Among existing technologies, liquid desiccant dehumidification has the advantages of lower energy consumption and the ability to remove bacteria compared to the conventional technology, and has gained attention in recent years. A system using this technology usually cools the liquid desiccant before putting it into contact with air to absorb its moisture, and heats the desiccant before regenerating its dehumidification capacity by letting its water content evaporate into air in contact. However this would lead to the temperature rise of desiccant and thus reduction of its dehumidification ability during moisture absorption. Similar downside exists for regeneration. Therefore, a system style in which desiccant is internally cooled/heated has drawn attention from researchers. To effectively optimize the design of such system, a mathematical model predicting its performance from its design parameters and working conditions is desirable. However most existing models require complicated computation, therefore in this paper a less complex model describing a simple system is introduced. It uses theories and empirical correlations about the combined heat and mass transfer between air and desiccant, and requires less effort to derive the system performance.


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