  • 期刊


A Case Study on Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Investigate what the College's Service Associations Served in the Activities


本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,以亞東技術學院349位學生為研究對象,探討各項因素對大專學生參與服務社團行為意向的影響。結果發現「主觀規範」對大專學生參與服務性社團的行為意向影響最大,其次為「態度」,而「知覺行為控制」則無顯著影響;主觀規範的影響最主要來自「師長」,態度的影響主要來自「學習服務精神」與「增進人際關係」二個因素。因此,透過 師長的宣導,讓學生瞭解服務性社團的意義及其目的,再配合同學/朋友或學長姊/學弟妹等同儕團體的鼓勵,可以提升大專學生參與服務性社團的行為意向;由於 知覺行為控制不具影響力,當學生的服務熱忱被喚起,即使有再多負面的環境因素阻礙,仍會熱心參與服務活動。就不同人口變項來看,不同性別之大專學生,在主 觀規範有顯著差異,而女生在主觀規範對行為意向的影響又較男生大。由此可見,女生較男生更在乎他人對參與服務性社團之意見。有無社團經驗之大專學生參與服務性社團,在行為態度與主觀規範有顯著差異。有社團經驗者,其行為態度與主觀規範對行為意向之影響大於無社團經驗者。所以有社團經驗者較無社團經驗者,更瞭解參與服務性社團的意義,也更易受到他人影響而參加服務性社團。而不論有無宗教信仰,大專學生參與服務性社團之影響因素皆無顯著差異。


This study was based on the theory of planned behavior developed by Ajzen. The structural equation modeling analysis was applied to define the latent variables which influenced the intention of students to participate in service association. The participants were 349 students in Oriental Institute of Technology. After the important factors were collected and screened, a questionnaire was designed as a research tool. The results showed that the subjective norm was the most important variable forth intention of college students to participate in the service association, followed by attitude, and perceived behavioral control had no significant impact. The impact of subjective norms mainly came from the teachers, and the impact of attitude mainly came from the learning service and to improve interpersonal relations. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the advocacy from teachers and the encouragement of peer group may enable students to understand the meaning of community service and its purpose and encorage them to participate in service association. Since perceived behavioral control did not have any influence, as the enthusiasm of students were aroused, the negative environment would never impede the intention of students to participate in service association.


