  • 期刊


Designation of Buffer Zone for Reservoir Conservation-Case Study of the Shimen Reservoir




This study undertakes to design a baiter zone far the purpose of protecting water quality of reservoirs. By using two basic prineiples reduction rate of suspended sediment from the vegetation area of the buffer zone, and cost-benefit ratio of the construction, the study aims to arrive at a reasonable width for the buffer zone. Our research approach taken at the Shimen Reservoir included soil characterization and bad-use classification identification that is aided by GIS to develop potential location and extent of non-point sources pollution around the reservoir, and assessing the rate of contamination reduction as a result of buffer tone and its cost-benefit ratio. At the same time, the width of the baiter zone is determined with the analysis performed. The study shows the average condition for the Shimen Reservoir is: when the surface slope of the hill is around 54.05%, the buffer zone could have over 60% reduction effect in suspended sediment. Taking into consideration both the economic factor of cost efficiency and sediment reduction, the best design for the buffer zone is that of 30 meter in width. If, however, we choose to disregard the cost and benefit factor, the width of the buffer zone can be increased where it is reasonable, depending on the factors such as property rights, water quality, geology, vegetation cover, and surface gradient to enhance its effect in contamination reduction and water conservancy.
