  • 期刊


Research on pollution source analysis and potential impacts on water quality in the Keelung River


基隆河位於臺灣北部,是淡水河三大支流之一,也為臺北市政府重點水質改善河川之一。本研究以基隆河關鍵測站南湖大橋至百齡橋河段作為研究範疇,盤點研究區域內22處排水分區及內湖污水處理廠之污染負荷量,分別以點源、類點源及非點源不同方式計算其污染負荷量,並分析各排水污染量對各河段生化需氧量(BOD)及氨氮水質衝擊。根據各排水污染源佔比及對河川水質影響,未來可提供水質改善策略依據。本研究推估研究區域河段內之BOD污染負荷量合計為9,402 kg/day,氨氮污染負荷量合計為2,754 kg/day,皆以點源污染為主,各約占70%及86%,而污染負荷較高之排水分別有玉成、建國、新生及內湖污水處理廠。因臺北市污水下水道普及率之提升,故研究區域內之各測站之BOD平均濃度差異不大,但氨氮濃度越下游則有越高之情形,同時百齡橋於枯水期之溶氧仍偏低,考量研究區域內之產業未來仍持續發展及氣候變遷等影響,建議相關單位以枯水期提升溶氧以及降低氨氮污染負荷為首要目標。


The Keelung River located in northern Taiwan is one of the tributaries of the Tamsui River. This study takes the Nan-hu Bridge to Bai-ling Bridge of the Keelung River as the research area. The objective of this study is to evaluate the pollution loads from different sources and to analyze their impacts on water quality; finally, to provide references for water quality improvement strategies. The results indicate that the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) pollution load in the study area is 9,402 kg/day, and the total ammonia nitrogen (NH_3-N) pollution load is 2,754 kg/day. Thepoint sources are the major pollution, which contribute 70% of BOD and 86% of NH_3-N loads, respectively. Among each emission sources, Yu-Cheng, Jian-Guo, Xin-Sheng drainage districts, and Nei-Hu sewage treatment plants should be particularly concerned. The NH_3-N concentration is high in the downstream areas, and the dissolved oxygen (DO) in Bailing Bridge is still low during the dry season. Therefore, it suggests that increasing DO and reducing NH_3-N during the dry season should be the major target in the water quality improvement strategies of Keelung River.


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