  • 期刊


Study of Biodegradable Material Forming of Pulp Formation and Impact


本研究主要就生物可分解性紙漿發泡材之成形性及其緩衝性之探討。利用回收紙漿做為發泡基材, 以PVA水溶液當作黏合與發泡劑,混合不同比例的紙漿與PVA水溶液,利用加熱發泡方式,製成具有緩衝性之發泡材,觀察其發泡材之斷面形態與含水量及其衝擊所吸收的能量關係,找出最佳成形條件。實驗結果顯示,60~70g的PVA水溶液與20─30g的紙漿混合,可得到良好的發泡與成形,其中以65gPVA水溶液與25g紙漿混合之含水量與緩衝性分別能達到793 . 7%及289N。


In this study, the formation and the impact properties of the cellulose material forming of pulp. The recycled cardboard boxes are used as the blowing material, which mixed with appropriate ratio of PVA solution and blown by heating foaming method to produce the porous structure material without any blowing agent added. Under this investigation, the relationship of cross section, water content, and impact absorbability were observed, in order to find the best condition of formation. The results indicated that the best condition is 60-70g PVA solution and 20-30g pulp material can produce the foaming material, among them mixed by the 65g PVA solution and 25g pulp can reach the best water content and impact absorbability of 793.7% and 289 N respectively.


biodegradable pulp formation buffer heating blow
