  • 期刊


Spatial Prospecting for New Industrial Order: Diffusive Formation of the Design Discourse of Architectural Engineering at Tamkang Academy in Postward Taiwan (M1960s~L1970s)




As a newly established discipline, 'Design' has acquired its historical position, which is nearly holy and mystical, in the architectural academies of postwar Taiwan. The causes that resulted in the phenomena had their complicatedly social-historical origins, which were closely related to the condition of the dependent modernity and its variations of postwar Taiwan. Under the structural context of geo-political dependency, so many different editions of the improved modernisms of the 'western' world (Japan included) had been imported into the academic world of Taiwan. It had had so great advantage to develop different discursive practices in Taiwan's academies. Among so many discursive practices, the propagation of the 'Design Method' basing on Architectural Engineering by Ti-gan Ma(馬惕乾), Ming-guo Liu(劉明國), Rang-zhi Wu(吳讓治), Jian-ye Lin(林建業)and their colleagues and students at Tamkang University from the middle 1960s to the late 1970s was also an important one. This research, basing on the horizon of cultural study and the methodology of discursive analysis, aims to display the concretely historical process of the formation of the technological-inclined design discourse of Tamkang architectural academy during m1960s and l1970s. Therefore, we can attempt to demystify the ideological clouds obscuring 'Design', to release the magically symbolic power of 'Design', and to suggest openly an alternative horizon for the design teachings in Taiwan's architectural academies.
