  • 期刊


Utilization of Solar Panel Waste Glass and Clay Co-Sintered as Eco-Tile Materials


根據Display Search統計資料顯示,臺灣地區約於2025年將有52萬公噸,其中約產生約5,600公噸之太陽能面板廢玻璃,故太陽能面板廢玻璃再利用技術亟待建立。本研究以不同添加比例(0~40%)之太陽能板廢玻璃分別與黏土及瓷土混練,以升溫速率5℃/min加熱至900~1,000℃等溫度,持溫2小時以燒製環保地磚,並分析孔隙率、吸水率、體密度、磨耗量、硬度及抗彎強度等實驗探討燒結體之機械特性,再藉由XRD、FTIR及SEM 觀察燒結體之微觀結構特性,以探討環保地磚之燒結特性,期能建立最佳燒結條件與太陽能板廢玻璃添加量,以達到資源材料化之目的。實驗結果顯示,當燒結溫度為1,000℃時,太陽能面板廢玻璃取代量為20~40%之黏土環保地磚或瓷土環保地磚,其機械特性均符合CNS 9738陶質地磚之標準規範。


According to the Display Search, the amount of waste glass being dumped into landfills has accumulated to about 0.52 million tonnes while the amounts of solar panel waste glass has reached 5,600 tonnes in 2025. The purpose of this study was to prevent the inappropriate disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Recycling is an alternative that sometimes represents the only economical activity for a significant population in the big cities. The present paper reports on the sintering behaviour of several ceramics prepared using a previously selected the waste glass which was blended with 10, 20, 30 and 40 wt.% of two different natural materials. The two natural products were Potter's clay and Porcelain clay. All mixtures were blended by attrition milling and dried; powders were sieved, pressed into specimens and heating rate of 5℃/min of 2hr at temperatures ranging from 900 to 1,000℃. The resulting materials were characterized by water absorption, porosity, bulk density, resistance to abrasion, hardness and flexural strength, crystallographic composition, microstructure, FTIR spectrum and physico-mechanical properties to determine their quality in comparison to the Chinese National Standards (CNS) methods. When the sample was heated at 1,000℃, the flexural stress and abrasion of tiles with 20~40% solar panel waste glass can meet the CNS 9738 standards. The optimal amount of solar panel waste glass that could be mixed with Potter's and Porcelain clay to produce good bonding of eco-tiles was 20~40% by weight.
