  • 期刊


Clinical Experience in Metaldehyde Intoxication: An Analysis of Telephone Inquiries Made to Poison Control Center




聚乙醛 驚厥發作 酒精


Metaldehyde, a solid tetramer of acetaldehyde with low toxicity, has been widely available in commercial molluscicide preparations. In Taiwan, the formulations are limited to tablets and wetting powders; while in Europe, the uses for metaldehyde include Meta-fuel tablets. Common routes of exposure include accidental ingestion, suicidal ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Most intoxicated cases recovered completely after supportive management, however, there were some fatalities reported. We underwent a retrospective study which covered a period of four years beginning from 1991 through 1994. During this time, twelve cases with a history of exposure to metaldehyde and reported to the Poison Control Center-Taiwan were included, and the clinical data such as sex, age, cause and route of exposure, dose, symptoms, signs, severity, and duration between exposure and first aid in the hospital were analyzed. We found that most of the patients were asymptomatic or only mildly intoxicated; but if alcohol was consumed in the meantime, the clinical couse could be worsened and mortality was thus likely. Therefore, physicians who are working in the emergency room should be aware of the potential toxicity of metaldehyde-even though the patients may look stable initially, the clinical condition can deteriorate rapidly, especially if alcohol has been co-ingested.


Metaldehyde seizure alcohol
