  • 期刊


A Case Study and Review of Chinese medicine to treat stress-induced secondary infertility with journal literature review




不明原因 壓力 不孕症 基礎體溫


Infertility is estimated to affect 8 to 12% of couples all over the world in 2010 estimated by WHO. 10% to 15% of couples are infertile in Taiwan. Around 1 in 7 couples may have conceiving difficulty. Due to change of lifestyle, working and financial pressure, environment pollution, and late marriage, the number of infertility increases every year. The causes of infertility include female factors, male factors, combined factors, unexplained factors. The prevalence of unexplained infertility is 8- 15%. Unexplained infertility is defined as no specific cause was identified after infertile couples accepted certain work-up. Namely, the type of infertility is hard to be diagnosed by nowadays technology. Therefore, this article aims to discuss this condition by literature review. The patient of this case is a 38-year-old woman, and there were no abnormal findings on this couple. In vitro fertilization was attempted before, but failed. Unexplained infertility was considered. Then they sought for Chinese medicine treatment, and was pregnant in the end.


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