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TCM Treatment of Threatened Abortion: A Case Report


目的:探討先兆性流產/迫切流產(Threatened miscarriage)的中醫治療病例。病例報告:本案例是一位33歲經產婦,此次懷孕第三胎,近期因工作業務加重,常容易感到疲倦,且於妊娠14周出現陰道下血、伴隨腹部緊繃症狀而來到中醫門診求醫。經中醫診察,以補腎培脾、益氣養血法治療,並給予安胎衛教。治療後患者未再出現陰道下血的症狀,並於6個月後順利生產。結論:中醫在安胎有其獨到的治療效果,中西醫結合治療先兆性流產能比單獨接受西藥治療的患者收穫更好的療效。


Threatened miscarriage, or Early Pregnancy Bleeding, refers to the symptoms of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Western medicine usually suggest bed resting or treat with progesterone or other Conservative treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine distinguishes it into two types: "fetal leakage" and "fetal movement restlessness" according to accompanying symptoms. This case is a 33-year-old postpartum woman in her third pregnancy. Due to the increased loading in her work recently, she felt tired often and developed vaginal bleeding and abdominal tightness at 14 weeks of gestation. She came to the Chinese medicine clinic for medical treatment. After diagnosis, Chinese medicine treated with nourishing the kidney and nourishing spleen, supplementing qi and blood. After the treatment, the symptoms of vaginal bleeding did not happen again and she gave birth to the baby six months later.


DynaMed. Early Pregnancy Bleeding. EBSCO Information Services. Accessed April 20, 2021.
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