  • 期刊


The Application of Analgesia, Sedation, Anti-Psychotic Agent and Neuromuscular Blockade in Severe-Sepsis Patients


正確的使用止痛劑(analgesic agent)、鎭靜劑(sedative agent)、抗精神病藥物(Anti-psychotic Agent)以及神經肌肉阻斷劑(neuromuscularblockade, NMB),在照顧重症病人時是非常重要的。根據2008年更新的戰勝敗血症準則(Surviving Sepsis Campaign),有效的使用止痛鎭靜劑也被列爲照顧嚴重敗血症病患重要的一環,特別是同時使用呼吸器的敗血症病患。因此,本文將介紹在嚴重敗血症病患常用的止痛、鎭靜劑、抗精神病藥物及神經肌肉阻斷劑之使用原則,包括(1)以流程圖、執行計劃的方式來使用鎭靜臨床指引(Grade 1B);(2)不管經由間斷或連續注射,有系統地減量或每天停藥(讓病人甦醒),重新重整劑量至預定之鎭靜目標,可減少過度鎭靜的機率(Grade 1B);(3)盡量避免例行使用肌肉鬆弛劑,若必須使用,可經由間斷或連續注射來給予,並利用週圍神經刺激器(train-of-four measurement,簡稱爲TOF)來監測控制(Grade 1B)。希望經由這些治療指引,可以改善嚴重敗血症病患之高死亡率,並減少不必要之醫療浪費。


It is very important to appropriately use analgesia, sedation, anti-psychotic agent and neuromuscular blockade in the care of critically ill patients. According to revised ”Surviving Sepsis Campaign” in 2008, the effective application of sedation, analgesia, and neuromuscular blockade takes an important role in the care of severe-sepsis patients, especially those with ventilator use. Thus, we will introduce the principles and guidelines of analgesia, sedation, anti-psychotic agent and neuromuscular blockade in severesepsis patients, including: (1) use sedation protocols with a sedation goal for critically ill mechanically ventilated patients (Grade 1B); (2) use either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation to predetermined end points (sedation scales), with daily interruption/lightening to produce awakening; re-titrate if necessary (Grade 1B); avoid neuromuscular blockade where possible; monitor depth of block with train of four when using continuous infusions (Grade 1B). We wish to improve the high mortality rate and expenditure in severe-sepsis patients under these guidelines.
