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Initial Experiences of Using 25-Gauge Transconjunctival Sutureless Vitrectomy System (TSV25) for Vitreoretinal Surgery


研究目的:評估經結膜免縫線玻璃體切除系統(TSV25)進行玻璃體視網膜手術之實用性與安全性,並比較其與傳統20號玻璃體切除系統之手術時間與手術後異物感,並描述本院使用此系統之初步臨床經驗。 研究設計:以前瞻性計畫進行一系列病例手術。 實驗組與對照組:二十個病例根據其診斷與嚴重性配對並分為二組,一組以TSV25進行手術,此為實驗組;另一組以傳統20號玻璃體切除系統進行手術,此為對照組。 研究方法:手術時間分為三階段,每一病例的每一階段手術時間經詳細測量及記錄後進行比較。術後並記錄及比較病患自覺之異物感。為評估無縫線切口是否滲漏,實驗組手術前後之眼壓均詳細測量。 研究結果:實驗組之總手術時間明顯比對照組短。實驗組病患術後自覺之異物感亦明顯較對照組輕微。除了一例有青光眼病史的患者外,實驗組患者術後眼壓均在正常範圍內。 結論:TSV25有效簡化了手術步驟,並縮短了手術時間。手術切口無縫線,且均無滲漏狀況,術後異物感大為減輕,加速患者復原。




Purpose: To evaluate the time efficiency of the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system (TSV25) compared with standard 20-gauge instruments. And also to describe the initial experience of using TSV25, to evaluate the safety and feasibility. Design: Prospective study of a consecutive interventional case series. Participants and Controls: There were 20 patients divided into 2 groups. Similar cases in diagnosis and severity were matched for comparison. Ten of them underwent vitreoretinal surgeries using the TSV25 served as the study group; the other 10 underwent vitreoretinal surgeries using the existing 20-gauge system served as the control group. Methods: The operation was divided into 3 portions. The time of each portion of every patient was measured and recorded for comparison. Post-operative foreign body sensation was also evaluated subjectively. Pre- and post-operative intraocular pressures were measured in the study group for evaluating the self-sealing condition of the sutureless wounds. Results: Mean total operative time was signifycantly shorter for the study group than for the control group. The post-operative foreign body sensation was much less in the study group than in the control group at various post-operative time-points. The postoperative intraocular pressures were all within normal limits except one glaucoma case. Conclusions: TSV25 indeed simplifies the surgical technique and reduces operative time. Its micro, suturless incisions make good self-sealing, less postoperative foreign body sensation and faster convalescence.
