  • 期刊


The Influence of Fine Sediment of River Bed on Sediment Transportation




In Taiwan, the catastrophic typhoon and earthquake are both factors to trigger serious landslides in mountains. The landslides not only decreased the debris flow occurrence condition, also increased the sediment transportation. According to Egashira's theory (1997), fine sediment plays an important role with this phenomenon. In this paper, a move-bed experiment is set to discuss the variation of sediment transportation with different content of fine sediment.There are two setting of move-bed, natural deposition and artificial deposition, with mixture coarse and fine sediment. The data record in the experiment is the depth of sediment transport layer and sediment transport rate. With the result, the increasing of fine sediment decreased the debris flow occurrence condition. The sediment transport rate (coarse sand) is increasing with the increasing of fine sediment. This increasing would reach a threshold with specific ratio of fine sediment.
