  • 期刊


International Agrigenomics of Editing Industry Development and Tendency Situation


依聯合國糧食及農業組織(FAO)的統計結果顯示全球在2017年時人口已突破75億人,相對地糧食的需求逐漸增長,同時,國際市場數據顯示整體農業耕種用地也逐年遞減,而氣候變遷所導致的溫室效應使農作物生長周期出現改變,甚至已明顯造成農作物生產量減少的情況。除了經濟層面的農業損失外,可能引發糧食供應之危機。因此,為因應環境變化,來改變作物生長性狀藉以提升作物之逆境耐受性與產量,目前透過基因科技所改良的農作物漸被大眾所認識。因此,根據市場報告顯示基因體技術應用的潛在,於2016年市場規模已高達93億美元的產值。然而,透過基因轉殖改良的農作物仍有部份會以嵌入非物種原本基因的外源性基因,此部份可能會有生物安全性之考量。故近年來的研究多以基因編輯技術(CRISPR 、TALENs、ZFNs等)用作為改良農作物的新技術平台,特別是在CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic)的技術應用已有初步的階段性成果,如國際廠商杜邦先鋒(DuPont Pioneer)應用CRISPR-Cas9技術改良玉米(waxy corn hybrids)的相關產品已進入田間試驗階段;Cibus Global推出的基因編輯油菜更已在美國上市銷售。2017年全球基因編輯技術應用的產值為31.9億美元,預估於2022年,將可達62.8億美元,預測複合年成長率(Compound Annual Growth Rate, CAGR)將達14.5%。因此,本報告將透過彙整及分析全球基因體技術應用的市場現況、基因體技術的盤點,以及國際標竿企業對於基因編輯技術的應用方向,來分析全球基因編輯技術的發展趨勢,並期可作為國內學研單位等參考與評估依據。




According to the statistics of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the global population has exceeded 7.5 billion in 2017, which led to an increasing demand in food. Meanwhile, the statistics of International Market indicated that the overall agricultural land is diminishing year by year; the greenhouse effect caused by the climate change has changed the growth cycle of crops, which even brought about the reduce in the output of cropper. In addition to the agricultural loss in the aspect of economy, this phenomenon might trigger the food crisis. Therefore, the genetically modified crops which improve the adversity tolerance and the output of cropper have been promoted to the public gradually for the purpose of adapting to environmental changes. According to Market Report, the market size of genetic technology application has reached to the value of 9.3 billion dollars in 2016. Nevertheless, the genetically modified cropper is partially implanted exogenous DNA, which caused the concern of biological safety. For this reason, the genome editing technology (i.e. CRISPR, TALENs, ZFNs) is mainly used to modify the gene of cropper in recent years. Especially, the application of CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) has achieved initial staged results; take DuPont Pioneer for example, the field experiment for the related products with the application of CRISPR-Cas9 in waxy corn hybrids has been practiced, and SU Canola launched by Cibus Global has also gone on sale in United States. It is estimated that in 2022 the global genome editing market will reach to the value of 6.28 billion dollars from 3.19 billion dollars of 2017; Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is predicted to reach 14.5%. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the development trend of global genome editing technology through analyzing and compiling the current situation of the global genetic technology, the counting of genetic technology, and the application trend of genome editing technology in the international benchmark corporations, and is expected to be used as a reference and assessment pursuant for domestic research units.


