  • 期刊


Near-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Potential in the Yung-an and Good Weather Ridges Area, off Southwest Taiwan




The area around the Yung-An and the Good Weather ridges is characterized by a series of troughs and anticlinal ridges. The thrusts, fractures and bedding planes provide efficient conduits for fluid to migrate from deep strata to shallower strata and structures. BSRs are widely distributed in the Yung-An and Good Weather ridges area, indicating potential gas hydrate accumulation beneath the seafloor. We conducted deep-towed surveys of sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler, seafloor observations (TowCam and ROV) and resistivity survey to evaluate the near-seafloor gas hydrate potential. Results showed that the study area has gas seeps, pockmarks, mud volcano, mass-transport deposits (MTDs) and minor faults. Because of being highly porous, the MTD is an ideal place for the gas hydrate accumulation. Authigenic carbonates and gas chimneys were observed on the sea seafloor, implying a high methane flux in the area. High resistivity anomalies were found in some pockmarks, MD3277 coring site, and minor faults. The ridges, faults, MTDs, gas chimneys and pockmarks are suitable for near-seafloor gas hydrate accumulation.


gas hydrate gas chimney gas seep pockmark
