  • 期刊


Review Article of Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Acupuncture Therapy


背景:陰挺是婦人的難言之隱,雖無危及性命之憂,卻常造成生理、心理及社會功能的退縮而影響生活品質,儘管臨床西醫治療手術方式日新月異求進步,卻仍有高復發率及再手術之慮,中醫針灸治療的介入模式,值得更深入探討及應用。 目的:藉由統整歸納歷代古籍與近代期刊中,對於陰挺的針灸治療模式,並深入探討其取穴經絡之規律性,研擬一套臨床針灸基礎方。 方法:以「陰挺」爲關鍵字,搜尋生技、醫化及中草藥專利資料庫檢索系統及中國期刊網、中華民國期刊論文索引中之所有相關文獻。 結果:總共收錄19本歷代針灸古籍,從中可歸納出五經(膀胱經、肝經、腎經、心經、任脈)十穴(上髎、大敦、太衝、曲泉、然谷、水泉、照海、交信、少府、曲骨)分治法,亦從近代大型臨床針灸研究期刊共15篇中,依穴位出現頻率統計法,研擬出五大主穴(子宮、關元、三陰交、足三里、百會)爲針灸治療陰挺的塞礎方。 結論:臨床可取此五穴爲塞礎治療方案,隨證加減應用,或於症狀尚屬輕微時即積極介入治療,或於術後輔助調理,應能產生最大治療效益。


陰挺 子宮脫垂 病因病機 針灸


Background: Pelvic organ prolapse may not be the concern of causing death, but affects women's quality of life in biopsychosocial issues. Although surgery methods progress, high recurrence rate and re-operation rate are still inevitable. Acupuncture therapy may be albe to apply clinically and play an important role in treating pelvic organ prolapse. Aim: The presence was mainly reviewed the articles about pelvic organ prolapse in acupuncture therapy, in order to understand the meridian theory as well as therapeutic acupuncture point prescriptions, from anscient Chinese physician's writers and recent clinical research journals. Methods: We search all of the anscient Chinese physician's writers in the Intellectual Property Office and recent clinical research in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure and the Chinese Periodicals Index by the key word of 「prolapse of uterus」. Results: It was summarized and classified from 19 Chinese physician's writers to 10 acupuncture points of 5 meridians, which are Shanglio (BL31), Dadun (LR1), Taichong (LR3), Ququan (LR8), Rangu (K12), Shuiquan (K15), Zhaohai (K16), Jiaoxin (K18), Shaofu (HT8), and Qugu (RN2). From acupuncture points using frequency of statistical analysis, Zigong (EX-CA1), Guanyuan (RN4), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Zusanli (ST36), and Baihui (DU20) were the most commonly used in 15 recent clinical research journals to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Conclusion: Chinese physicians may agilely apply these 5 main acupuncture point and adjust clinically according to the accompany symptoms. Active treatment may be performed as soon as possible when the initial symptoms present, or as the complementary therpy after surgery.
