  • 期刊


Using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers to Identify Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Cultivars


本研究以台灣所搜集之番石榴品種為材料,調查其外觀形態並以RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)標誌分析其種原,目的為(1)建立區別番石榴品種的分子標誌,及(2)建立種原間遺傳連鎖群之關係,以期作為番石榴品種鑑定及育種之參考。RAPD 分析是從300個引子中篩選出能產生多型性DNA片段的引子12組,其中4組引子(O3, Q19, S14, R18)可完全區分番石榴栽培種之差異,出現不同型式之條帶圖譜(多型性),其中具有更年型及非更年型番石榴品種的RAPD條帶之相似性很低,可將兩群組區分出,此結果與園藝性狀外表型親緣圖譜比對,亦大致吻合。因此RAPD技術可輔助番石榴品種間之鑑定,且對育種及品種改良將有所助益。


Morphological traits and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to identify and to discriminate cultivars of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivars. Establishing the molecular markers for discrimination of the Psidium guajava L. will benefit the exploration of relationships of genetic linkage among the guava cultivars. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA marker (RAPD) was used to discriminate 17 cultivars of guava. A set of 300 random sequence primers each 10-mer in length, were employed in this experiment. Four groups of primers (O3, Q19, S14, R18) were able to distinguish the cultivars. The comparisons were similar between the dendrogram of RAPD and phenotype. The results of this study showed that RAPD appeared to identify the relationship of climacteric and non-climacteric fruit of guava cultivars. It shall have a great advantage for guava breeding.
