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A Personalized Conference Announcement and Recommender Management System


隨著網際網路日益普及化,使得資訊在網路上的流通變得非常頻繁,容易產生資訊超載(information overload)的問題。雖然目前搜尋引擎廣泛被應用來解決此問題,然而其幫助仍是有限,因此推薦系統孕育而生,用來幫助使用者更快更方便的獲得所需資訊。 近年來,無論在企業或是學術界爲了要讓員工或是學生以及想快速的獲取知識或經驗的人們,因此各類的演講、研討會、座談會便孕育而生,並且重要性也日趨受到重視,目前大部份主辦單位的做法是公佈在各個網站、海報張貼或者是以人工發送E-mail告知,這些做法無法有效率而且適切的讓使用者知道並且參加,損失了獲取各類知識的機會,亦即沒有做到自動化、適切性、主動推薦的功能。 有鑑於此,我們將使用者個人化的資料儲存於資料庫,透過個人化推薦系統的精確分類,在主辦單位發佈各類型訊息的同時能立即知道多少使用者需要這類型的資訊,並且寄送E-mail,這讓使用者能有更多的時間專注工作或課業。 本研究包含使用者介面、儲存庫、訊息服務推薦核心等三個模組。爲使代理人開發過程能更具彈性與完整,本研究使用MaSE(multi-agent systems engineering, MaSE)方法論進行分析、設計與實作,訊息服務內容的規劃是遵循使用OWL-S規範。 本訊息推薦系統具體貢獻如下:(1)運用知識本體於服務的搜尋機制:以知識本體爲基礎的查詢,使用者可以更精確的取得服務;(2)以MaSE方法論實作代理人系統:藉由不同模型的組合搭配,使代理人系統可以很完整而且順利的完成實作;(3)整合各種工具與標準:本論文整合並且應用各種標準與工具進行主動式推薦系統的實作。由於各類服務在未來網際網路上的應用會越來越普遍,因此本研究在實際運用上有其前瞻性與必要性。


As information becomes abundant and lacks of proper evaluation and management mechanism, the reuse of domain knowledge does not increase as we expected. With the development of software agents and ontology technology, users are able to obtain proper services and promote competitive advantages through the platform. The recommendation architecture of a recommender on system based knowledge ontology and intelligent agent contains user interface, database and core kernel modules. To enable agents to the process of developing a more flexible and complete, this study is used MaSE regardless doing analysis, design and implementation. Content of the message service is planning to follow the use of OWL-S norms. The contributions of this paper are (1)apply ontology-based search mechanism: users can obtain services precisely at a lower cost; (2) using MaSE methodology: the agent-based system can be implemented completely; (3) integration of several tools and standards: the system integrates and applies various tools and standards to implement this system. Finally, the system not only promotes the sharing of knowledge but also enforces the code reuse and reduces the cost of developing similar systems. As knowledge services will be more and more common in the future, this architecture that we propose has long vision and necessary to apply in the different domains.


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RDF vocabulary description language 1.0: RDF schema
