  • 期刊

Staging the Medici: The Medici Family in English Renaissance Drama, c. 1590-c. 1640



1974年,T.S.R. Boase在Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes出版了一篇題名爲〈伊莉莎白與傑柯比恩戲劇裡的梅第奇〉。然而,Boase價值不斐的研究並沒有考慮到在一些卡洛琳劇作家約翰福特的劇本中,同時指出對一些更公然地梅第奇劇本的虧欠的事實,而那是被Boase確定並展示出其他獨立於梅第奇影響的標誌。本論文首先審視了Boase有談及的劇本的證據,再檢視他未談及的關於福特的部份。


In 1974, T. S. R. Boase published an article entitled 'The Medici in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama' in the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Boase's valuable study did not, however, take account of the fact that some of the plays of the Caroline dramatist John Ford both register a debt to some of the more overtly Medici plays which Boase identified and also show other, independent signs of Medici influence. This paper first surveys the evidence for the plays which Boase did consider and then moves on to examine those of Ford, whom he did not.


Medici Renaissance drama John Ford Middleton Webster


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Bligh, E. W.(1932).Sir Kenelm Digby and his Venetia.London:Sampson Low, Marston & Co..
Boase, T. S. R.(1974).The Medici in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama.Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes.37,373-378.
Boklund, Gunnar.(1966).The Sources of The White Devil.New York:Haskell House.
Bradbrook, M. C.(1980).John Webster: Citizen and Dramatist.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
