  • 期刊


Pregnant Woman's Exercise Habits and Related Factors




懷孕婦女 運動 影響因素


This study investigates factors related to exercise in pregnant women. Using a cross- sectional correlative investigation approach, we sampled 136 pregnant women who had a single fetus, who had no consolidate diseases, and who chose to deliver their babies naturally. The participants were recruited when they were at least 25 weeks pregnant or one month after delivery. Eighty-three of the participants (61.0%) had been exercising before their first pregnancy, 84 women (61.8%) during their first pregnancy;100 women (73.5%) during their second pregnancy and 97 women (71.3%) during their third pregnancy. The number of pregnant women having exercise habits increased in the second and the third pregnancy period. They exercised more than three days a week for an average of 30 minutes. Most exercise regimes were walking, climbing stairs and calisthenics. The ratio of those who exercised increased from 1/4 to 1/3 when pregnant. The exercise habits of expecting mothers differed by age, experience with pregnancy and preference for exercise. The older they were, the less they exercised. Primipara women did more exercise than multipara women. In addition, those who got more support did more exercise. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for help clinical nurses interested in designing exercise schedules for pregnant women. It can help them take into consideration personal factors, society, environment and time support factors.


pregnant women exercise related factors


