  • 期刊


Oil Enterprises' Strategies for Global Warming


自從工業革命以來,化石燃料的消耗量急劇增加,產生的溫室氣體濃度明顯提升。為了降低溫室氣體效應所帶來的環境影響,聯合國在1992年通過「氣候變化綱要公約」,期望全世界共同努力抑制溫室氣體的排放,並於1997年12月於日本京都簽署「京都議定書」,規範已閉發國家在2008-2012年之二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、氧化亞氮(N2O)排放量應減量6-8%。「京都議定書」已於2005年2月16日正式生效,台灣雖非締約國之一,目前仍未有溫室氣體減量之壓力,但難保未來不會成為下一波溫室氣體減量目標之一。因此,參考跨國性石油企業之全球暖化應變策略,將有助於政府及業者擬訂未來環境與能源相關目標。本文主要是介紹美國ExxonMobil、法國Total、德國BASF及日本Nippon Oil對全球暖化議題之因應措施,提供給國內產、官、學界參考,期望能達到提升產業競爭力、減少對環境衝擊之目的。


The consumption of fossil fuel and concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) have been increased markedly since Industrial Revolution. In order to minimize the environmental impact of GHG, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) initiated efforts in 1992 to consider strategies for reducing GHG emissions. In December 1997, the third conference was held in Kyoto in Japan and resulted in the so-called Kyoto Protocol. In Kyoto, the developed countries committed themselves to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) by 6-8% compared to 1990 emission levels in the period 2008-2012. The Kyoto Protocol took effect on February 16, 2005. Although Taiwan was not one of the signatories and thus is not required to make CO2 reductions under the protocol, Taiwan is still likely to be asked to conform to the Kyoto Protocol in the future, and the preparations should be made for this eventuality. This study will introduce the strategies for global warming of the enterprises, including Exxon Mobil in USA, Total in France, BASF in German and Nippon Oil in Japan. We believe that the provided information can be regarded as references to the government, enterprises and the scholars. It is expected that the industrial competitiveness will be promoted and the environmental impact will be reduced as well.


曾慶揚(2007)。企業因應全球暖化之策略研究─ 以石化、電子及金融保險業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2007.00198
