  • 期刊


The Potentials and Limits of Stakeholder Contestation as Macro Deliberation: A Case Study on Wangjiang Four Seniors' Contention of Jiangxi Pengze Nuclear Power Project, China




How to integrate strategic actions such as interest advocacy and protest into public deliberation that emphasizes rationality and civility has long been a challenge to be addressed in deliberative democracy. This paper tries to bridge social movement studies and deliberative governance studies by examining the potentials and limits of stakeholder's discursive contention as deliberative participation from the theoretical perspective of deliberative democracy. Specifically, this paper explores how Wangjiang Four Seniors (望江四老), four retired Chinese Communist Party cadres in Wangjiang County, Anhui Province, who had been contending against the Jiangxi Pengze Nuclear Power Project shortly after Fukushima Accident in 2011, acted as an informal social organization in a way preferring peaceful and rational discursive contention other than street protest to address conflicts. With the suspension of the nuclear power project, the four seniors achieved success to a certain extent. Mainly based on in-depth interviews and case studies, the authors discussed the characteristics and social impacts of discursive contestation with features of deliberative participation like this case, as well as its implications for public participation and deliberative governance in controversial mega projects in China.


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