  • 期刊


Ideological Remoulding Movement in Higher Educational Institutions with Its Causes and Effects (1949-1952): A Study Centered on Nanjing University




The ideological remoulding movement in the early 50's among intellectuals strongly influenced higher educational institutions during the initial stage of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. This study focuses on the case of Nanjing University to examine the significances of ideological remoulding movement. First of all, under the condition that the historical archives have not yet opened, this study manages to scrutinize this political movement in detail as far as possible. Next, while some scholars have claimed that the reconstruction of the higher educational system indicated the end of the ideological remoulding movement in higher educational institutions, the author of this study argues that indeed the two events were connected to some extent, but the ideological remoulding movement was more closely related to Chinese Communist Party's organizational purge. Therefore, the last stage of ideological remoulding movement was the establishment of political work system, and in doing so the two aspects of the ideological remoulding movement -”the political education” and ”the ideological examination”- was thus normalized.


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